Bowlwood Distinctive Handcrafted Wooden Bowls and More
featuring fine Burls and Hardwoods
Pear Wood Bowl (BW357)
Massachusetts appears to be the northern limit of the Tulip tree's range in New England. There are some magnificent examples of this species growing here. We don't often see one taken down, but when it does happen, we don't pass up the opportunity to acquire some of its wood.
One sound knot provides a focal point on the side of this bowl, with nicely swirling grain framing it.
Semi-gloss finish.
Diameter: 101/4 inches
Height: 33/4 inches
Price: $165
Shipping: $18 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
Tulip Poplar Wood Bowl (BW362)
Wooden Bowl Gallery 4
Pear trees large enough to yield bowls this size are not easy to acquire; in fact, pear wood of any size is something I only occasionally find. And I wish that were not true, because pear wood has wonderful qualities. This bowl has a couple natural cracks at the rim which have been filled with turquoise mineral material for a touch of color.
Smooth, lustrous finish, which has been buffed and polished.
Diameter: 121/2 inches
Height: 5 inches
Price: $275
Shipping: $18 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
Butternut Wood Bowl (BW358)
One tight, integral knot is the focal point of this handsome Butternut bowl.
Butternut is a native relative of American Black Walnut, and is also known as "White Walnut". Due to a spreading blight across its range, Butternut is disappearing rapidly, its beautiful wood becoming more and more difficult to obtain. As a result, a bowl such as this could easily become a valuable and cherished heirloom piece in the near future.
The bowl has a buffed varnish finish, polished with fine waxes to a soft semi-gloss lustre.
Diameter: 121/2 inches
Height: 4 inches
Price: $325
Shipping: $22 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.