Bowlwood Distinctive Handcrafted Wooden Bowls and More
featuring fine Burls and Hardwoods
Catalpa Wood Bowl with Art (BW350)
Wooden Bowl Gallery 1
Catalpa Wood Bowl (BW349)
Curly Figured Maple Wood Bowl (BW327)
Curly figured Maple is always in demand for fine furniture, musical instruments, and other heirloom quality wooden products. Such is this large bowl, which has a large amount of tiger stripe (curly) figure. The log it came from was destined to be split into firewood (and most of it was), but luckily its beauty and value were recognized before all was lost. It was heartbreaking to see such wonderfully figured wood in a heap of small stovewood pieces, but at least a few artifacts will not go up in smoke. The curl runs completely across this bowl, from rim to rim, over almost the entire piece.
Semi-gloss, glass-smooth finish.
Diameter: 141/2 inches
Height: 5 inches
Price: $470
Shipping: $22 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
Catalpa, sometimes known as "Indian Bean," or "Catawba," is a handsome tree that hangs large, heart-shaped leaves from its branches, along with the lengthy "beans" that make it instantly recognizable. Its wood is light and airy, with a soft amber glow. And catalpa flowers- well, they're highly fragrant, orchid-like beauties! Overall, a wonderful tree whose wood is nicely suited for turning. So I was happy to acquire a couple chunks of this wood to fashion into bowls.
Semi-gloss, smooth finish.
Diameter: 11 inches
Height: 4 inches
Price: $180
Shipping: $18 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
If you've ever taken the time to examine a Catalpa tree in bloom, and smell its very fragrant, orchid-like flowers, you'll know why the flowers deserve to be celebrated on this bowl; they're simply one of the quiet little joys that go largely unnoticed by the general public.
Artist Debra Silva was gracious enough to pay tribute to the flowers in oil paint on one side of this bowl.
Smooth, semi-gloss, finish.
Diameter: 141/2 inches
Height: 53/4 inches
Price: $400
Shipping: $22 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.