Bowlwood Distinctive Handcrafted Wooden Bowls and More
featuring fine Burls and Hardwoods
Australian Bimble Box Burl Wood Bowl (BW119)
It's a treat to work Sassafras wood, because it has a great, spicy fragrance that quickly fills the shop. Here in the forests of Western Massachusetts, we don't usually find large Sassafras trees; most are a foot or less in diameter. But I was fortunate to find a 15-inch tree that had been down on the ground for years. While its sapwood was rotted, the heartwood was in perfect condition, and it yielded this 131/2 inch bowl. There is a large, sound knot that provides a focal point in the side of the bowl, and there is a bead turned into the top of the rim.
The bowl has a very smooth, lustrous finish, which has been buffed and polished.
Diameter: 131/2 inches
Height: 41/4 inches
Price: $325
Shipping: $22 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
Large Sassafras Wood Bowl (BW146)
Wooden Bowl Gallery 3
Pear wood is wonderful to work with, cutting like butter. It's solid, dense, and has a silky character. I don't often have access to it, so it's a treat when it does become available. This bowl is weighty, and has a traditionally substantial feel when you pick it up. The rim is textured with dimples along the side of the bowl.
Smooth, lustrous finish, which has been buffed and polished.
Diameter: 10 inches
Height: 31/2 inches
Price: $175
Shipping: $15 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.
Pear Wood Bowl (BW354)
Bimble Box is a very pretty Eucalyptus species (dense and hard), as this burl bowl shows. It has a honey gold heartwood color, with a splash of creamy tan sapwood in the center. Scattered small voids (typical of burls) have been filled with a royal blue inlay (visible in the zoomed-in views). The rim has a partial natural edge.
The finish is several coats of tung oil varnish, which was buffed and polished with hard carnauba wax to a soft, satin lustre.
Diameter: 111/4 inches
Height: 21/8 inches
Price: $295
Shipping: $22 (max) to U.S. destinations. Contact me for international rates. See Shipping for details.